Your relevant search terms on Google
Perhaps one of the most important statistics for your website are the search terms that visitors use to find your website. When programming and optimizing your website, care must be taken to ensure that the search terms that are important to you are specially optimized and achieve a good ranking in the search engines.Since 2011, Google has no longer delivered the 'organic keyword referral data' values (or only for paid advertising) and as a website operator it is no longer possible to easily determine the search terms with which a visitor found the website. In most cases you only get the information "keyword not provided". However, this data is extremely important if you want to optimize the content of your own website.
With VCX³ it is again possible to determine and statistically evaluate this information! Our system connects to the Google Search Console and periodically determines the search terms and number of clicks for your website. For comprehensive overall statistics, you no longer have to query your data from several service providers - you get all the data clearly on your VCX³ dashboard.